Final decisions have been made for our next anthology "It Calls From the Sea"
Congratulations to our authors!
From the bottom of our hearts, we want to take a moment and thank everyone that submitted a story to this open call.
We received an unprecedented number of submissions for this call within the first week, and by the last two weeks, we were doubling our daily average of incoming manuscripts. To say we were overwhelmed is an understatement. We were drowning (pun most definitely intended). The quality and variety of stories were impressive and after what felt like months for everyone involved, we are thrilled with the stories that were selected. This book is taking us all over the world through seas, ships, and land locked lakes. You will not be disappointed.
I want to thank each and every author that submitted their stories for this call. Regardless of if your story is selected or not, you have made this book and our reading experiences that much better. We are seeing fantastic and wonderful stories come in and the talent in the room is astounding. We are thrilled to be surrounded by such amazing indie authors. Thank you for continuing to support our efforts. We truly appreciate you.
Happy writing and good luck on your next open call, where ever that may be.